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Displaying 481-490 of 707 results for

2022 or earlier clear

Sharing for Agility (PDF)

Markets today are becoming more segmented, demand more volatile, and consumption more global than ever before. Mass customization is increasing the complexity of requirements in the supply network.

Biomimetic Manufacturing Paper (PDF)

Next generation manufacturing innovation will be enabled by imitating biological systems in production environments. This white paper motivates new research in this biomimetic manufacturing arena through several examples. The expectation is that these illustrations will spawn follow-on discussions and a fundamental new direction in manufacturing research.

2019 SkillsUSA Complete Challenge Guide (PDF)

Additive manufacturing/3D printing is changing the way things are made. From the rapid prototyping lab all the way to the manufacturing floor. Companies in the automotive, aerospace and consumer goods industries are leaning into an era of Industry 4.0, a technological playing field where additive augments other technologies like robotics to provide higher throughput.

2018 SkillsUSA Challenge Guide (PDF)

Additive manufacturing/3D-printing is changing the face of medicine as engineers and physicians are able to develop adaptive devices that are fully customized to the wearer. These devices often serve as assistive devices or tools for unique activities such as sports, hobbies or professions that the wearer is engaged in.