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Investment Casting

In the Investment Casting segment, Express Pattern and Barron Industries are highlighted to see how rapid prototyping accelerates investment casting prototypes, processes and production.

Kaizen Event Fieldbook (eBook)

Kaizen event effectiveness is a prerequisite for lean transformation success. It provides the necessary transformational jump-start, momentum, organizational learning and engagement, and sustainable, step-function improvements. The systemic use of kaizen events establishes the technical and cultural foundation for principle-driven kaizen — the powerful combination of kaizen events and daily kaizen activities. The Shingo Prize award-winning book brings this all together as an indispensable reference for lean leaders and implementers within any industry and for use at any stage within the lean implementation journey.

Kaizen Event Implementation Manual, 5th Edition (eBook)

The main goal of kaizen is the elimination of non-value-added activities (waste) through the implementation of one-piece flow, working to takt time, and instituting a pull system. The mantra is to manufacture only what is needed by the customer, when it is needed, and in the quantities ordered. Kaizen has been shown to collapse lead times, dramatically reduce work in process, and reduce scrap and defects while minimizing the need for capital expenditures. Its successful results across industry are real, proven, documented, and confirmed!