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How Manufacturing Can Still Attract a Workforce

How Manufacturing Can Still Attract a Workforce How Manufacturing Can Still Attract a Workforce Chad Moutray, Chief Economist at the National Association of Manufacturers, discusses how strong

Content Marketing

Content Marketing Content Marketing / Blog Post Do you have a new product, service, application, or idea you’d like to share? We’re happy to feature articles that are relevant to our attendees in

Digital Advertising

Advanced Manufacturing Media (AMM) has the ability to put your message in front of the most qualified prospects in the manufacturing industry.

Upgrade Your Online Listing

Are you exhibiting at SOUTHTEC? Find out how you can upgrade your exhibitor listing in the event’s print and online directories to get more visibility from attendees. All exhibitors receive a


Remarketing gives you the ability to target past and present SOUTHTEC attendees with custom banner ads you provide us.