Liquid Metal 3D Printing: A Magnetohydrodynamic Approach (PDF)
Liquid Metal 3D Printing: A Magnetohydrodynamic Approach
Liquid Metal 3D Printing: A Magnetohydrodynamic Approach
2021 Winner of Aubin Case Study Award
Runner-Up of 2021 Aubin Case Study Award
ET 19 Full Version Final [PDF]
ARTICLE 1 - NAME The name of this society is the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. ARTICLE 2 - PURPOSE The Society of Manufacturing Engineers shall be an operating institution for the advancement of manufacturing knowledge. This Society shall provide the means and the methods of applying such knowledge in practice and in education. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers shall, among other things, promote and engage actively in research, writing, publishing and dissemination of knowledge within this field.
Winning Design of the 2021 Digital Manufacturing Challenge.
Rapid Design Through Manufacturing of Polymer Based Parts for Medical Applications [PDF]
Honorable Mention of the 2021 Digital Manufacturing Challenge.
Runner-Up of the 2021 Digital Manufacturing Challenge.
Ei Whitney Productivity Award Past Recipients